
Stratégie de restauration de l’intégrité de L’ukraine et de désoccupation du Donbas. «Mecanisme des Petits Pas» (French)

French  La restauration de la souveraineté et de l'intégrité territoriale du pays, la désoccupation et la réintégration des territoires temporairement occupés sont des objectifs stratégiquesclé pour l'Ukraine. Situation actuelle Aujourd'hui, il existe une seule plate-forme moderne de recherche d’une solution – les accords de Minsk, signés le 5 septembre 2014 avec la participation de médiateurs internationaux. Ce document, destiné à désamorcer le conflit armé provoqué par l'agression militaire de la Fédération de Russie, a, sans aucun doute, joué un rôle... more

Strategy of restoration of the integrity of Ukraine and de-occupation of the Donbass. “SMALL STEPS MECHANISM”

Restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, de-occupation,and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories is a key strategic task facing Ukraine.   Facts as for today Today, there is the only current platform for looking for the format of the solution: it is the Minsk Agreement, signed on September 5, 2014, with the participation of international mediators. This document, aimed at de-escalation of the armed conflict caused by military aggression by the Russian Federation, undoubtedly played an exceptionally... more

Collaborationism and amnesty. The need for public dialogue

De-occupation of some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the return of the population of these territories to the Ukrainian legal framework will inevitably face the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian state with the question of collaborationism. Who and how should determine the status of each person who survived the occupation, his/her guilt or innocence and degree of liability? Who should be brought to justice and how the collaboration with the enemy has to be punished?  What is the... more

Kollaborationismus und Amnestie. Die Notwendigkeit des Gesellschaftsdialogs (German)

German Arsen Awakow Die Deokkupation die einzelnen Bezirke von Gebieten Donezk und Lugansk und die Rückkehr der Bevölkerung dieser Territorien in das Rechtsraum der Ukraine wird unumgänglich vor der ukrainischeren Gesellschaft und vor dem ukrainischen Staat die Frage der Kollaborationismus stellen. Wer und wie soll über den Status, das Vorhandensein und Grad der Verantwortung/der Unschuld jedes einzelnen Mensch, der die Besatzung überlebte, entscheide? Wer soll vor Gericht stehen und welche Strafe verdient die Kooperation mit dem Feind? Wie ist der... more

Collaborationnisme et amnistie (French)

La desoccupation de certaines régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk et le retour de ces territoires avec leur population dans le droit juridique soulѐve inévitablement la question de collaborationnisme devant la société ukrainienne et l`Etat ukrainien. Qui et comment devrait determiner le statut, la disponibilité et la mesure de la responsabilité de chaque personne qui a survécu l`occupation? Qui devrait  être jugé et quelle punition mérite pour la collaboration avec l`ennemi? Comment est la responsabilité de chacun de ceux qui... more

Arsen Avakov: MIA units are ready to ensure public safety during the final match of the Champions League

Today, on May 18, 2018, the Minister of Internal Affairs met with representatives of the countries participating in the final match of the Champions League:  Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain Ms.Silvia Cortes Martin and British Ambassador to Ukraine Ms.Judith Goff. "The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are fully prepared to ensure public safety during the final match of the Champions League.  We will engage about 12 thousand law enforcement officers including six thousand police officers, three thousand... more

Arsen Avakov: The National Guard of Ukraine is expanding cooperation with the Canadian Armed Forces in the field of military training

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of National Defense and the Armed Forces of Canada signed a technical agreement on cooperation.  The main areas of such cooperation are an improvement of logistics, tactical medicine, combat, engineering and language training of fighters. Today, on May 18, 2018, Yuri Allerov, the head of the NGU, and William Seymour, the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff Operations, Canadian Joint Operations Command, signed a technical agreement in the presence of... more

Arsen Avakov: Dirty political corruption must be stopped! NPU has started the investigation of a smear campaign against the prime minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk

The Main Investigation Department of the National Police started criminal proceedings on the fact of interference in the activities of Arseniy Yatsenyuk as prime minister of Ukraine to discredit him and to attain his resignation.   This investigation was launched after a number of publications in the mass media and appeals from people's deputies of Ukraine. The investigation is considering a conspiracy of a group of persons for the realization of their criminal intent. According to preliminary estimates, these individuals committed... more

Arsen Avakov: The Ministry of Internal Affairs has started to develop a plan of actions to de-occupy the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions

The Minister of Internal Affairs held a special meeting with the heads of the central executive bodies (CEB) of the MIA system.  It was devoted to discussing a step-by-step plan of measures to prepare the MIA system for the restoration of the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.  The head of the MIA has set the task to prepare a detailed plan for the de-occupation of Donbass, which should be ready for each area of ​​activity of... more

Arsen Avakov: If you have no respect for the laws of Ukraine, then travel to other countries

Ukraine always welcomes guests, but they must respect our laws.  The Minister of Internal Affairs stated this while commenting on the refusal of entry to Ukraine for two citizens of Russia, who did not remove the St. George ribbons at the Kiev airport Borispol. On May 3, 2018, two young citizens of the Russian Federation, a man, and a woman, arrived at the Borispol airport from Minsk.  Both traveled for private purposes; they had enough money to stay in Ukraine... more

The Minister of Internal Affairs signed the Declaration of Cooperation with the US FBI

Arsen Avakov held a working meeting with Christopher Asher Wray, Director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The two sides signed the Declaration of Intent to develop cooperation on a number of issues, in particular, in countering illicit drug trafficking and cybercrime. "The agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the US FBI will help radically improve the exchange of information and mutual access to technical capabilities of both agencies.  With the FBI director, we have... more

Arsen Avakov: American partners will help to implement a rehabilitation program for ATO participants

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced this after a meeting at the US State Department with members of the US Congress Marcia C. Kaptur, Andrew P. Harris, and Sander M. Levin. The head of the MIA of Ukraine noted that the military conflict provoked by Putin's regime has lasted for more than four years and during this time about 600 thousand Ukrainians participated in the fightings. "Today, at a meeting with members of the US Congress Marcia Kaptur,... more